Tag Archives: qrp

Hermes Lite 2 SDR Transceiver

The Hermes-Lite is a low-cost direct down/up conversion software defined amateur radio HF transceiver based on a broadband modem chip and the Hermes SDR project. It is entirely open source and open hardware, including the tools used for design and fabrication files. Over … Continue reading

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QRP FT8 Operating Tips

A few tips on making the most out of FT8, especially when operating QRP. Listen on odds and evens *before* selecting a TX frequency. Just because you can’t hear anyone on the receive cycle doesn’t mean you’re not colliding with … Continue reading

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OH3SPN FT8 Activity

I’m now active from Tampere, Finland using the call OH3SPN, primarily FT8 on 30/20/17m due to antenna restrictions; FT817 (typically 2.5W out), G4ZLP MinoProSC interface, indoor SPX-100 antenna or short wire connected to LDG Z100 Plus. I’m very happy to report … Continue reading

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Adventures with Software Defined Radio

Some time ago I purchased an RTL ‘TV’ USB tuner. I was immediately impressed by the way whole chunks of the RF spectrum are visualised; tuning as simple as clicking a signal of interest plus ‘brick wall’ filters by the drag … Continue reading

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Unexpected QRP Success

A few QRP CQ calls this afternoon on 40m resulted in a nice mini pile-up!  Running 5W from the FT847 to the 40m garden dipole, the first station to respond was F5BDK (Mario, near Paris). This was quickly followed by … Continue reading

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FT817 Chinese TCXO and Collins 2.3 kHz SSB Filter

Operating on the crowded 40m band has made me appreciate the need for good filters. I’d read many comments regarding filter brands and bandwidths, plus viewed several videos that show an FT817 with collins filter fitted and the author stating … Continue reading

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